- come down in one's prices by __%
値段を下げる 1: 1. abate (a) price 2. come down on the price 3. drop a price 4. drop prices 5. knock down 6. mark a price down 7. reduce the price 8. run down prices 9. sink prices 値段を下げる 2 【動】 lower a price 値段を
値段を切り下げる: 1. cut down a price 2. undercut a price
値段を引き下げる: 1. deflate price 2. reduce the price 3. slash a price
土地の値段を下げる: lower the cost of land
値段を下げさせる: 1. force prices down 2. knock down
旅行者を引き寄せるために値段を下げる: cut prices to draw tourists
値段を上げる 1: 1. advance a price 2. enhance prices 3. increase a price 4. put up a price 5. raise a price 値段を上げる 2 【動】 boost prices
値段を競り上げる: bid up a price
値段を釣り上げる: 1. jack up price 2. jacking up prices
米の値段を上げる: raise the price of rice
価格を_%下げる: come down in one's prices by __%
売家の値段を上げる: 【自他動】 gazump
値段を_ドルまけてやる: give someone a deduction [discount] of $__ on〔~の〕
~の値段を_ドル引いてやる: give someone a deduction [discount] of $__ on〔人に〕
価格を_%まで下げる: cut a price by __%