1. deflate price 2. reduce the price 3. slash a price
利率を引き下げる: reduce the rate of interest 定価を引き下げる: reduce the price 室料を引き下げる: cut room rates〔ホテルの〕 帆耳を引き下げる: clew down 税を引き下げる: relieve the tax burden 税率を引き下げる: reduce tax rates 引き下げる: 引き下げる ひきさげる to pull down to lower to reduce to withdraw 旅行者を引き寄せるために値段を下げる: cut prices to draw tourists ドルの価格を引き下げる: drive down the price of the dollar 予定利率を引き下げる: cut guaranteed yields 価格を引き下げる余地: room to bring the price down 信用格付けを引き下げる: reduce the credit rating of〔~の〕 公債依存度を引き下げる: reduce the level of dependence on public bonds 公定歩合を引き下げる: 1. cut in interest rates 2. cut one's discount rate 3. lower the (official) discount rate 卸売物価を引き下げる: drive down wholesale prices