- reduce the rate of interest
予定利率を引き下げる: cut guaranteed yields
税率を引き下げる: reduce tax rates
失業率を引き下げる: push unemployment down
対する税率を引き下げる: reduce the tax rates on〔~に〕
最高税率を引き下げる: 1. lower the maximum tax rate 2. lower the top rate
組入比率を引き下げる: reduce holding ratio
利率を引き上げる: 1. advance the rate of interest 2. hike interest rates 3. raise interest rates
輸入ウィスキーの税率を引き下げる: lower the rate on imported whiskey
値段を引き下げる: 1. deflate price 2. reduce the price 3. slash a price
定価を引き下げる: reduce the price
室料を引き下げる: cut room rates〔ホテルの〕
帆耳を引き下げる: clew down
税を引き下げる: relieve the tax burden
利率引き下げ: 1. cut in the rate of interest 2. decrease in interest rates 3. reduction of interest rate
利率を下げる: push down interest rates