It's not just the price that matters, it's the quality.
海外での経験は、人生に大きな意味を持つだけでなく、経歴の上でも重要だ。: Your experience overseas is important not only for your life, but for your career. 現政権に反対するだけでなく、目標に向かって行動を起こすことも重要だ。: It's not only a question of opposing the current administration, but also a question of working towards a goal. だけでなく: だけでなく not just .... (but also ...) ~だけでなく: not just [merely, only] ~だけでなく…も: do to not only ~ but aだけでなくbも: not only [just, merely] A but also B〔also は省略されることもある〕 bだけでなくaも: as well as〔A as well as Bの形で〕 それだけでなく~: not only that, (but)〔文副詞句。but は省略可〕 一回だけでなく: more than once 一度だけでなく: more than once 口先だけでなく: like you mean it ~するだけでなく: instead of merely doing 子どもに対してだけでなく、親への教育も必要だ: It's not just the kids, but the parents who need to be educated. その名人は、空手の身体的な側面だけでなく、精神的な面も重視していた。: The master emphasized not only the physical aspect of karate but also the spiritual aspect. 重要なのは~だけでない: be not the only thing that matters