He sacrificed his life to a great and worthy purpose.
価値ある大義のために身をささげる: devote oneself to the worthy cause 正義のために命をささげる: yield up one's life for the sake of justice 母国に一命をささげる: give one's blood for one's country 国のために命をささげる: give one's life for one's country 彼らは亡くなった両親のために祈りをささげた: They said a prayer for their dead parents. 大義のために死ぬ: die for a cause 天皇に命をささげた軍人: military personnel who died for the emperor 幸せにするために一生をささげる: devote one's whole life to making someone happy〔人を〕 心ならずも家族を残して国のために命をささげる: leave one's family against one's will and sacrifice one's life for the nation 多くの命を救うために自分の命をささげる: give one's life to save many lives ~のためにすべてをささげる: give everything for 命をささげる: shed blood for〔~のために〕 身をささげた: 【形】 committed 大義のために戦う 1: fight for a great cause 大義のために戦う 2 champion the cause of〔~という〕 平和の大義のために: 1. for the noble cause of peace 2. in the noble cause of peace