- diminish the great sense of accomplishments and satisfaction
偉大な業績のある人: person of great attainments
偉大な業績: 1. grands travaux〈フランス語〉 2. great achievement
達成した偉大な業績: great work of〔~が〕
工学上の偉大な業績: great technological achievement
科学技術の偉大な業績: great technological achievement
多大な業績を達成する: do a great deal of work
壮大な業績: noble achievement
達成感を得る: get a sense of accomplishment
qolを損なう: compromise someone's quality of life〔人の〕
力を損なう: undermine someone's strength〔人の〕
神の偉大な業: mighty works of God
満足感を表す: show one's satisfaction
達成感を与える: provide someone with a feeling of accomplishment〔人に〕
達成感を味わう: 1. experience a sense of mastery 2. feel a sense of accomplishment 3. feel fulfilled
達成感を感じる: feel fulfilled