- There is some pretty questionable behavior being depicted in some of the great historical works of art.
いかがわしい行為: 1. carrying-on〔 【複】 carryings-on〕 2. disreputable business 3. doubtful conduct 4. hank 5. questionable conduct 6. shady activity 7. shady conduct
いかがわしい行動: conduct of questionable propriety
偉大な芸術作品: great work of art
いかがわしい: いかがわしい 如何わしい suspicious dubious unreliable indecent unseemly
18歳未満と知りながらその少女にいかがわしい行為をする: sexually assault the girl with the knowledge that she is a minor
いかがわしい 1: 【形】 1. cheap-jack 2. down-and-dirty 3. equivocal 4. fishy 5. gamy / gamey 6. indecent 7. louche 8. objectionable 9. off-color / off-colour 10. queer 11. questionable 12. shady 13. shady-looking いか
いかがわしい〔言葉が〕: 【形】 X-rated
いかがわしい人: lowlife〈軽蔑的〉
いかがわしい人物: 1. doubtful character 2. person of doubtful character 3. questionable character 4. shady character
いかがわしい仕事: racket
いかがわしい仲間: unlikely companions
いかがわしい会社: flyby-night company
いかがわしい写真: objectionable photograph
いかがわしい取引: 1. dipsy-doodle 2. shady dealings
いかがわしい商人: flyby-night dealer