- stimulate healthy rivalry
競争を刺激する: stimulate competition
健全な競争を促す: promote sound competition
健全な競争: 1. healthy competition 2. sound competition
健全な競争を高める: strengthen sound competition
健全な競争心: healthy spirit of emulation
健全な競争社会: competitive society with soundness
傷を刺激する: irritate a wound
口を刺激する: irritate the mouth
目を刺激する: be irritating to the eyes
胃を刺激する: irritate the stomach
腸を刺激する: stimulate the bowel
舌を刺激する: burn someone's tongue〔人の〕
鼻を刺激する: be irritating to the nose
健全な競争社会を築く: build a competitive society with soundness
だ液を刺激する: stimulate saliva