- strengthen sound competition
健全な競争を促す: promote sound competition
競争を高める: enhance competition in〔~での〕
健全な競争: 1. healthy competition 2. sound competition
健全な競争心: healthy spirit of emulation
価格的な競争力を高める: make ~ more price competitive〔~の〕
全体的な競争力を高める: sharpen one's overall competitive edge
健全な競争社会: competitive society with soundness
学校間の競争を高める: strengthen competition among schools
健全な競争社会を築く: build a competitive society with soundness
健全性を高める: strengthen the health of〔~の〕
~間の論争を高める: elevate a dispute between
競争力を高める 1: 1. bolster competitiveness 2. boost one's competitiveness 3. enhance competitiveness 4. increase competitiveness 5. sharpen one's competitive edge 6. sharpen one's edge 競争力を高める 2 1. heighten the co
asean地域の競争力を高める: boost ASEAN's regional competitiveness
企業競争力を高める: bolster one's business competitiveness
会社の競争力を高める: increase a firm's competitiveness