健康状態を取り戻す: 1. get [become] well again 2. reestablish health 元の状態を取り戻す: retrieve the former state 均衡状態を取り戻す: reestablish equilibrium 不健全な経済: sick economy 経済の活力を取り戻す: restore vitality to the economy もろい経済状態を元に戻す: fix the economy's fragility 値を取り戻す: crawl back above $___ドルまで;《為替相場》 力を取り戻す: regain the ability to〔~する〕 金を取り戻す: take back one's money 経済状態を高める: bolster one's financial health 国の財政の健全さを取り戻す: restore the nation's fiscal health 金融機関の健全性を取り戻す: rebuild the soundness of financial institutions 健全な経済を作る: create a healthy economy 健全な経済成長: healthy growth of the economy 健全な経済政策: sound economic policy