健全な財政状況: sound fiscal condition 不確実な状況を作り出す: create an atmosphere of uncertainty 戦いの状況を作り出す: create battle conditions 破壊的な状況を作り出す: create catastrophe 健全な財政基盤を作る: create a sound fiscal foundation for〔~への〕 健全なライフスタイルを作り出す: create a healthy lifestyle before retirement 健全な財政上: from the standpoint [viewpoint, perspective, point of view] of healthier public finance お互いに得をする状況を作り出す: produce a win-win situation お互いに有利な状況を作り出す: produce a win-win situation 国内投資を助長させる状況を作り出す: create conditions conducive to domestic investment 直面している困難な財政状況を察する: appreciate the difficult funding situation someone is facing〔人が〕 全体的な財政状況: overall financial situation 健全な財政基盤: sound financial foundation 健全な財政管理: sound financial management 米国経済を不況に追い込む状況を作り出す: create the conditions that makes the U.S. economy slip into recession