- sound financial management
健全な財政上: from the standpoint [viewpoint, perspective, point of view] of healthier public finance
堅実な財政管理: sound financial management
健全な財政基盤: sound financial foundation
健全な財政状況: sound fiscal condition
健全な財政を実現する: achieve sound finance
健全な財政基盤を作る: create a sound fiscal foundation for〔~への〕
健全な財政という観点から: from the standpoint [viewpoint, perspective, point of view] of healthier public finance
健全な財政基盤を確保する: assure a healthy financial basis
健全な財政状況を作り出す: foster a sound fiscal situation
行政管理と執行の完全な責任を負う: assume the fullest responsibility for the administration and enforcement of〔~の〕
保健省医療保険財政管理局: Health Care Financing Administration〔 【略】 HCFA〕《米》 {組織}
行政管理: administrative control
行政管理局: 【組織】 Administrative Management Bureau
行政管理庁: 行政管理庁 ぎょうせいかんりちょう Administrative Management Agency
行政管理職: person going into government