悪い習慣をやめる: 1. break [get rid of, kick, overcome, shake off] a bad habit 2. do away with the conventionalities of the past 3. drop a bad habit 4. get this monkey off one's back 5. shake a habit
健康に良くない 1: 1. be detrimental to one's health 2. have an adverse health effect 3. hurtful to the health 4. unsalubrious〔 【語源】 ラテン語 salus(good health)〕 健康に良くない 2 【形】 1. unhealthful 2. unwholesome
健康に良い習慣: healthful practice
健康に良くないこと: unhealthfulness
健康に良くない気候: 1. climate pernicious to health 2. unhealthy climate
健康に良くない職業: unhealthy occupation
たばこを吸うような悪い習慣をやめる: get rid of bad habits like smoking
その習慣をやめる: stop the practice
習慣をやめる 1: 1. break oneself of a habit 2. discontinue a habit 3. kick a habit 4. kick it 習慣をやめる 2 1. abolish the practice of 2. break [drop, give up] the [one's] habit of〔~の〕
有害で不健康な習慣をやめる: give up harmful and unhealthy habits
毎晩お酒を飲むのは健康に良くない: Drinking every night can be hazardous to your health.
やめる〔習慣を〕: 【他動】 forsake
体重を測る習慣をやめる: break weighing habit of lifetime
有害な習慣をやめる: break a noxious habit
習慣をやめるのは難しい: Habits die hard.