健康のために: 【副】 healthwise 健康のためには: in the interests of health 一般市民のより良い健康のために: for a healthier citizenry 健康の保持のために: for the preservation of one's health 君の健康のために乾杯!: Let's drink to your health! 大局を見据え、長期計画のために時間を割くべきだ。: We should look at the big picture and spend time on long-range planning. いじめっ子のためにも被害者のためにも、早期に介入すべきだ。: You should step in early both for the sake of the bully and the victim. 家族のためにもっと時間を割く: put more time into one's family 届かない所に行く: get out of〔~の〕 行きたい所に行く: go where one wants to 健康のための散歩: 1. constitutional 2. constitutional walk 健康のための運動: constitutional すべての人の安全と健康のために: for safety and well being of all 健康のためにしっかり眠る: get enough shut-eye for health 健康のためにたばこをやめる: 1. leave smoking off for one's health 2. quit smoking for the sake of his health