- heighten awareness about health
一般の~への意識を高める: increase public awareness of
国民の~への意識を高める: increase public awareness of
市民の~への意識を高める: increase public awareness of
環境への意識を高める: increase environmental awareness
人々の地方自治への意識を高める: boost people's commitment to local autonomy
自然災害の危険への意識を高める: heighten one's awareness of the dangers of natural disasters
国際社会の意識を高める: raise the consciousness of the international community
社会の意識を高める: increase society's awareness
職員の意識を高める: raise awareness of the personnel of〔~の〕
関係者側の意識を高める: increase awareness on the part of related staff
意識を高める: 1. boost awareness of 2. elevate one's awareness of 3. enhance awareness of〔~の〕
仲間意識を高める: build up a sense of fellowship
安全意識を高める: raise the security awareness of〔~の〕
市民意識を高める: increase public awareness of〔~への〕
社会意識を高める: enhance social awareness