健康への脅威: 1. health threat 2. threat to health 自然発生的な病気の本当の脅威と闘う: fight the very real threat of naturally occurring diseases 将来的な脅威と闘う: combat future threats 人類存続への脅威となる: threaten the continued existence of all humankind 健康への脅威に気を配るよう全国的な警告を発する: issue a national alert to care about the health threat 健康への害: 1. harm to health 2. health threat 損害(健康への): 損害(健康への) detriment (to health)[その他]〈99Z4001:原子力用語〉 平和への脅威と見なされる: be considered a threat to peace 目先の脅威となる: pose an imminent threat 健康への影響: 1. effect on health 2. health effects 健康への逃避: flight into health 収益への脅威: threat to profits 安定への脅威: threat to stability 平和への脅威: threat to the peace 本国への脅威: homeland threat