- He fulfilled his obligations at great cost to his health.
生命という大きな犠牲を払って: at great cost of life
大きな犠牲を払って得た勝利: victory won at great expense
どんな犠牲を払ってでも: 1. coute que coute 2. no matter what the cost
どんな犠牲を払っても: at all costs
不当な犠牲を払って: at unwarranted cost
多大な犠牲を払って: at (a) great [heavy] cost
相当な犠牲を払って: at a price
大きな犠牲を払う 1: 1. cost one a great deal 2. make large sacrifices 3. pay a big sacrifice 大きな犠牲を払う 2 give one's right arm〔~するためには?~を手に入れるためには〕
健康を損なう: 健康を損なう けんこうをそこなう to lose one's health
健康を損なう 1: 1. abuse one's health 2. fall ill 3. fall into ill health 4. get [become] ill 5. injure one's health 6. lose one's health 7. one's health breaks down 8. ruin one's health 9. slip into poor health 健康
健康を損なうこと: loss of health
健康を損なうな。: Don't ruin your health.
たとえどんな犠牲を払っても: at whatever price
どんな犠牲を払っても勝つ: win at all costs
どんな犠牲を払っても勝利する: win at all costs