健康を犠牲にして: 1. at the expense of one's health 2. at the sacrifice of one's health 健康を犠牲にしてたばこに火を付ける: light up at the cost of good health 健康を犠牲にして一生懸命働く: work hard at the cost of one's health 彼女は出世のために健康を犠牲にした: She sacrificed her health on the altar of promotion. 人命を犠牲にして: at the sacrifice of life 安全を犠牲にして: at the sacrifice of safety 一般国民を犠牲にして: at the expense of the public at large 他人を犠牲にして儲ける: line one's pockets 多くの人命を犠牲にして: 1. with great loss of life 2. with the loss of a great many lives 多くの生命を犠牲にして: at the cost of many lives 社会全般を犠牲にして: at the expense of the public at large 身を犠牲にして(人)を支える: make a sacrifice by supporting 週末を犠牲にして働く: sacrifice one's weekends for work 「進歩」というやつは、環境を犠牲にしてのみ成り立っているのさ: So-called "progress" has only come at the expense of the environment. 利益幅をあえて犠牲にしている: be willing to cut one's profit margins