たばこに火を付ける 1: 1. fire up a cigarette 2. light a cigarette 3. light a fag 4. light oneself a cigarette 5. light up a fag 6. light up one's cigarette たばこに火を付ける 2 light someone a cigarette〔人のために〕 健康を犠牲にして: 1. at the expense of one's health 2. at the sacrifice of one's health 健康を犠牲にしている: keep selling out the health of〔人の〕 たばこに火を付けた。: I lighted a cigarette. マリファナたばこに火を付ける: toke up 燃えている枝でたばこに火を付ける: light a cigarette with a burning stick おぼつかない手つきでたばこに火を付ける: light a cigarette unsteadily 彼がたばこに火を付けると、煙が部屋に充満した: The smoke permeated the room after he lit a cigarette. 健康を犠牲にして一生懸命働く: work hard at the cost of one's health たばこに火を付けたまま眠り込む: fall asleep in bed with a lighted cigarette たばこに火を付けて吸い込む: light a cigarette and inhale it たばこに火を付けたまま込み合う歩道を歩く: walk with one's lit cigarette along the crowded sidewalks 彼女は出世のために健康を犠牲にした: She sacrificed her health on the altar of promotion. 他人を犠牲にして儲ける: line one's pockets たばこに火を付けたいので、ライターを取ってもらえますか: Could you pass me the lighter so I can light my cigarette?