財務状態を調べる: investigate the financial condition of〔~の〕 財政状態を調べる: take stock of someone's finances〔~の〕 健康状態に問題がないかどうかを調べる: see whether someone's health is OK〔人の〕 実態を調べる: investigate a situation 健康状態を尋ねる: 1. ask after someone's health 2. ask for〔人の〕 健康状態を隠す: conceal one's condition 麻酔下にある患者の呼吸状態を調べる: measure the respiratory state of an anesthetized patient 麻酔中の患者の呼吸状態を調べる: measure the respiratory state of an anesthetized patient 健康状態を取り戻す: 1. get [become] well again 2. reestablish health 健康状態を検査する: check over 健康状態を維持する: maintain wellness 健康状態を良くする: improve the health of〔~の〕 良好な健康状態を保つ: remain in good health 健康状態: 健康状態 けんこうじょうたい (the condition of) one's health 下降気味の健康状態を改善する: bolster one's health on the decline