良好な健康状態: 1. decent shape 2. fine shape 3. good health
良好な健康状態を維持する: remain in good health
彼は激しいトレーニングを好むため、良好な健康状態を保っている: He's in good physical shape because he likes strenuous workouts.
良好な健康: shape
完全な健康状態で: as fit as a fiddle〔 【語源】 バイオリンの弦のようにピンピンに張っている様子から〕
最適な健康状態: optimum health condition
見事な健康状態: outstanding health
良好な状態に保つ: 1. keep ~ in a good state [condition] 2. maintain ~ in good condition〔~を〕
健康状態を尋ねる: 1. ask after someone's health 2. ask for〔人の〕
健康状態を調べる: examine the health condition
健康状態を隠す: conceal one's condition
良好な人間関係を保つ: preserve good human relations
良好な関係を保つ 1: 1. have good relations with 2. stay on speaking terms with〔~と〕 良好な関係を保つ 2 maintain amicable relations with〔~との〕
厄介な健康状態になる: have severe health consequences
病気がちな健康状態: sickly condition