- arrest on the charge of lying to the court
~の罪状で逮捕する: arrest someone after〔人を〕
強盗罪で逮捕する: arrest someone on a robbery charge〔人を〕
殺人罪で逮捕する: arrest someone on a murder charge〔人を〕
軽犯罪で逮捕する: arrest someone on a misdemeanor charge〔人を〕
放火の罪で(人)を逮捕する: arrest someone for arson in house fire
別件で逮捕する: arrest someone on a holding charge
現行犯で逮捕する: 1. catch someone red-handed 2. have someone dead to rights〔人を〕
~のかどで逮捕する: arrest someone after〔人を〕
~の名目で逮捕する: arrest someone after〔人を〕
偽証の罪で起訴される心配なく: free from any fear of prosecution for perjury
公務執行妨害で逮捕する: arrest someone for violating laws against interfering with a government official in the act of duty〔人を〕
収賄容疑で逮捕する: arrest someone for allegedly accepting bribes〔人を〕
射殺容疑で逮捕する: arrest and charge in the shooting death of〔人の〕
強盗の現行犯で逮捕する: arrest someone for robbery〔人を〕
放火容疑で逮捕する: arrest someone in the suspected arson attack〔人を〕