- day care for the children of working parents
里子を預かる家: foster home
昼間保育施設: day-care facility〔facility(設備?施設?機関)は通例、複数形の facilities を用いる〕
金を預かる: receive money on deposit
留守を預かる: fill in for〔人の〕
経営を預かる: control over management
身柄を預かる: have someone under one's charge〔人の〕
都政を預かる: 1. administer the municipal affairs of Tokyo 2. assume the reins of Tokyo city government
コートを預かる: take someone's coat〔人の〕
人の命を預かる: have people's lives in one's hands
携帯品を預かる: 【形】 hatcheck
高価な物を預かる: in charge of a valuable thing
プレゼントを預かる: relieve someone of his gifts〔人から〕
一日(人)の荷物を預かる: keep someone's luggage for the day
子どもを預かること: childminding
夜間保育: night child care