- regard ~ with gentle tolerance
素晴らしく寛大な態度: superbly generous way in〔~における〕
寛大な態度: 1. generous attitude 2. lenient attitude
横柄な態度で~を見る: look at someone insolently
この上なく寛大な態度を示す: make gestures of the greatest generosity to〔人に〕
寛大な態度を取る: take a lenient attitude
対する寛大な態度: leniency toward〔~に〕
尊大な態度で命令する: lay down the law
心が広く寛大な気風: generous open spirit
尊大な態度: 1. cavalier attitude 2. disdainful attitude 3. pomposity〔pomposities〕 4. stuffed-shirt manner
優しい態度で: with a gentle mien
公平な態度で: in a fair manner
慇懃な態度で: with a respectful attitude
新たな態度で: on a new note
横柄な態度で: 1. in a superior fashion 2. with hauteur
自然な態度で: in a natural manner