確固たる抑制を維持する: maintain a firm control of〔~の〕 公共支出の削減: cut in public expenditures 公共支出の効率: efficiency of public expenditure 公共支出の合理化を図る: rationalize public spending 公共支出: 1. public expenditure 2. public outlay 3. public spending 再建への確固たる計画: solid plan for reconstruction 再興への確固たる計画: solid plan for reconstruction 母語の確固たる理解: firm understanding in one's native tongue 確固たる: 確固たる かっこたる firm 多くの人々の確固たる支持を得る: receive the firm support of many people 将来の日本の確固たる構想を示す: present a credible picture of future Japan 経済発展の確固たる基礎を築く: build a strong foundation for economic development 公共支出を上げる: raise public spending 公共支出を増やす: boost public spending 公共支出を減らす: reduce public spending