共和党が多数を占める連邦議会: Republican-controlled Congress 野党が多数を占める議会: opposition-dominated parliament 野党が多数を占めている: 【形】 opposition-controlled 自民党が多数を占める委員会: LDP dominated committee 多数を占める: 1. belong to the largest group 2. command a majority 絶対多数を占める: 1. get an absolute majority 2. win an absolute majority 多数を占めて: in the majority 両院で多数を占める: hold a majority in both Houses 圧倒的多数を占める: make up the vast majority of〔~の〕 半数を占める: account for approximately half of〔~のほぼ〕 多数を占めている: have a majority ヒンドゥー教徒が多数派を占める国: predominantly Hindu country 原理主義勢力が多数派を占める: be dominated by fundamentalist forces 高校生のうちで最大多数を占める: make up the largest number of high school students 約半数を占める: 1. account for approximately half of 2. comprise about half of〔~の〕