- cite ~ as the major areas to which one puts priority in organizing the new Cabinet〔~を〕
内閣改造の行方をにらむ: watch moves revolving around the Cabinet reshuffle
重点課題: priority subject
内閣改造: 内閣改造 ないかくかいぞう cabinet reshuffle cabinet shake-up
内閣改造をする: reshuffle the Cabinet
内閣改造を行う: make changes in one's Cabinet
大規模な内閣改造: massive Cabinet reshuffle
理由に挙げる: state as the reason for〔~の〕
表1に挙げる: be listed in Table 1〔主語を〕
与党主導の内閣改造: Cabinet reshuffle orchestrated by the ruling parties
内閣改造を行うか決める: decide whether to reshuffle one's Cabinet
内閣改造要求を生む: give rise to demands for a cabinet reshuffle
狙い内閣改造を行う: reshuffle one's Cabinet aimed at〔~を〕
現内閣の重要課題に上がっている: be on top of the present cabinet's agenda
槍玉に挙げる 1: shoot down〔議論の相手などを〕 槍玉に挙げる 2 single out someone for criticism〔人を〕
次から次に挙げる: recite a long list of〔~を〕