出産前の期間(の[に起こる]): 【名?形】 prebirth 間に起こる 1: 【形】 intervenient 間に起こる 2 【自動】 intervene 一瞬の間に起こる: happen in a flash 主に夜間に起こる: occur chiefly at night 人々の間に起こる: 【形】 intrapopulation 夜間に起こる痛み: pain occurring at night 数秒の間に起こる: happen in a matter of seconds aとbの間に起こる謎: strange thing that happens between レム睡眠の間に起こる: occur during REM sleep 夜間に起こることが多い: usually occur at night 月経周期の間に起こる: occur during the menstrual cycle 男女間に起こる問題: problem in relationships between the sexes その期間に: during the period 今の期間に: in the current period 主に起こる: occur chiefly in〔~で〕