- squeeze one's fingers in a doorway
出入口で: in the door
戸に指を挟む: catch a finger in the door
ドアに指を挟む: 1. catch a finger in the door 2. jam one's finger in the door 3. nip one's finger in the door
出入口: 出入口 でいりぐち exit and entrance
の間に~を挟む: sandwich in ~ between〔二つのもの〕
ものを挟む: 【形】 nipping
一節を挟む: put in a passage
口を挟む: 口を挟む くちをはさむ to cut into (a conversation) to interject
口を挟む 1: 1. barge in [into] 2. break in 3. come in 4. cut in 5. get a word in 6. put a word in 7. stick one's oar in 口を挟む 2 1. meddle in 2. meddle with 3. stick one's nose into〔~に〕 口を挟む 3 chime in〔会話などに〕 口
口を挟む〔~に〕: 【他動】 interrupt
国境を挟む: 【形】 cross-border
小脇に~を挟む: wedge ~ between one's elbow and waist
疑問を挟む: 【自他動】 query
耳栓を挟む: put in one's earplugs
間紙を挟む: 【自他動】 slip-sheet