- Don't leave home without it.
出掛ける時はそれを忘れずに: Don't leave home without it.
出掛ける時は戸締まりをお願いします。: Be sure to lock the door when you leave home.
持たずに出掛ける: leave home without〔~を〕
コンドーム……パンツを脱ぐときは忘れずに: The condom -- Don't leave your pants without it.〔TV-CM〕
忘れずに~する: 1. make a point of 2. make it a point to 3. remember to
スキーに出掛ける時間だ: It's time to hit the slopes.
出掛ける時に立ち寄る: stop by on one's way out
家族で出掛ける時には: on a family outing
あなたは忘れずに宿題をやらなければならない: You must remember to do your homework.
今度は忘れずに傘を持って行きましょう。: Let's remember to take along an umbrella.
忘れずにいる: keep [hold] ~ in memory〔~を〕
忘れずに書く: mind and write
忘れずに~と会う: remember to see
出掛ける: 出掛ける でかける to depart to go out (e.g. on an excursion or outing) to set out to start to be going out
出掛ける 1: 1. come out 2. get going 3. get off 4. get on one's horse 5. get the frog untied 6. go away 7. go down 8. go off 9. go out 10. go up 11. hit the frog and toad 12. hit the tow 13. jump off 14. make a