pump him for every bit of information that you can . 出来る限りの情報を彼から聞きだして
and if you do lavish as much technique as possible そして 出来る限りのテクニックを使って
and if you do lavish as much technique as possible そして 出来る限りのテクニックを使って
so we need to make everything as credible as possible . 彼らに出来る限り非強制的な
it's my job to keep him safe for as long as i can . 出来る限り安全にするのが 私の勤めよ
出来る限り早期: 出来る限り早期 できるかぎりそうき as soon as possible ASAP 出来る: 出来る できる to be able to to be ready to occur 出来得る限りの協力を行う: provide cooperation as much as possible 有る限り: 有る限り あるかぎり all (there is) 知る限り: 知る限り しるかぎり as far as I know 知る限り 1: to (the best of) one's knowledge〔~の〕 知る限り 2 as far as someone knows〔人の〕 見る限り: from what someone can see〔人の〕 認める限り: as long as ~ permits it〔~がそれを〕 関する限り: 1. as far as ~ goes 2. as far as ~ is concerned 3. for one's part 4. so far as ~ is [are] concerned 5. where ~ is concerned〔~に〕 ともに~するためにできる限り急いでここに来る: come here with someone as soon as possible to〔人と〕 一緒に~するためにできる限り急いでここに来る: come here with someone as soon as possible to〔人と〕 出来るだけ: 出来るだけ できるだけ if at all possible できる限り 1: 1. all get-out 2. all one can 3. as far as possible 4. as much as one can 5. as much as possible 6. to a maximum extent 7. to the best of one's ability 8. to the best of one's power 9. to the greateできる限りの: できる限りの adj. possible 【S】 [最上級, all, everyなどを強めて] できる限りの《◆名詞の後に置く方が強意的》∥ do everything possible できる限りのことをする/ as soon as possibleできる限り早急に. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 限り) 命ある限り 1: 1. as long as someone breathes 2. as long as there is breath in one's body 命ある限り 2 as long as someone has breath〔人の〕