- continuously rise more than __% year on year
前年同月を_%上回る: be up __% compared with the same month the year
前年同月を_%下回る: down __% from the same month last year
現在の割合で増え続ける: continue to increase at current rates
現在の速度で増え続ける: continue to increase at current rates
前年の水準を下回る: fall below the previous year's level
前年同月: 1. same period of last year 2. the same month a year ago 3. year-ago month
前年同月に: in the year-ago month
前年同月比より_%減: down __% from the same month the year before
増え続ける 1: 1. continue to increase 2. continue to mount 増え続ける 2 【形】 ever-increasing
増え続ける敵: accumulating enemies
増え続ける~の数: the ever-increasing number of
現在のペースで増え続ける: continue to increase at current rates
前期の水準を大きく上回る: greatly-exceed the level during the previous period
一定水準を上回る: in excess of a certain level
増え続ける作物生産のための水の管理: water control for increasing crop production