重きを置く: 1. attach [give] weight (to) / lay weight (on) 2. attach a great deal of importance to 3. attach importance to 4. attach the most importance to 5. be heavy on 6. place [put, set] much [great, a high…よりも~の方に重きを置く: place more emphasis on ~ and less on 個人の権利に重きを置く: place an emphasis on individual rights 家族に重きを置く人たち: family-values crowd 集団の和に重きを置く: place much value on group harmony 専門的知識を有する指導者に重きを置く: place great value in knowledge leadership 個人への尊重に重きを置く: emphasize respect for the individual 発展と利潤に重きを置くこと: emphasis on growth and profit 最も重きを置く: place the most importance on〔~に〕 重きを置くこと: emphasis on〔~に〕 安全に最も重きを置く: place the most importance on safety 安全性に最も重きを置く: place the most importance on safety 物質的な豊かさよりも精神的な豊かさに重きを置く: place more importance on spiritual wealth than material wealth 重きを置いて: with a focus on〔~に〕 あなたは愛を大切にしますか、それともお金ですか?お金の側に重きを置く人もいます: Do you value love or money? Some are heavy on the money side.