greenhouse gases discharged by the consumption of fossil fuels
大気中に放出される温室効果ガスの量を削減する: reduce quantities of the greenhouse gas that are released into the atmosphere 温室効果ガスの放出: emission of greenhouse effect gas 温室効果ガス放出の制限: curbing greenhouse gas emissions 温室効果ガス: 温室効果ガス おんしつこうかガス greenhouse effect gas greenhouse gas 世界の排出する温室効果ガス: world's greenhouse gases 地球の温度を上昇させる温室効果ガス: greenhouse gases that are warming the planet 先進工業国による温室効果ガス放出の削減を求める: call for reductions in emissions of greenhouse gases by industrialized nations 温室効果ガス削減: green house gas mitigation 温室効果ガス濃度: 温室効果ガス濃度 concentration of atmospheric greenhouse gas 温室効果ガスの放出に関連する: be linked with the emission of greenhouse gas 温室効果ガスの放出を削減する: reduce emissions of greenhouse gases 温室効果ガスの放出を抑える: reduce emissions of greenhouse gases 温室効果ガスの制限/削減: 温室効果ガスの制限/削減 GHG limitation/reduction 温室効果ガスの削減: reduction of greenhouse gases 温室効果ガスの削減目標: 1. greenhouse gas emission target 2. greenhouse gas reduction target