という結論に達する: 1. arrive at the conclusion that 2. come reach the conclusion that 3. come to the conclusion that 4. conclude that〔that以下〕 一番大切だという結論に達する: come to the conclusion that ~ is the most important〔~が〕 一番重要だという結論に達する: come to the conclusion that ~ is the most important〔~が〕 時間の無駄だという結論に達する: decide that ~ is a waste of time〔~は〕 ついに[ようやく](that以下)という結論に達する。: It is finally concluded that 入念に検討した結果(that以下)という結論に達する: study ~ carefully and reach a conclusion that〔~を〕 (that以下)という結論に達するのに長い年月がかかった。: It's taken me many years to come to the conclusion that という明らかな結論に達する: reach the obvious conclusion that〔that以下〕 という明白な結論に達する: reach the obvious conclusion that〔that以下〕 (that以下)という必然的な結論に達する: lead someone to the inescapable conclusion that〔主語の結果〕〔人が〕 (that以下)という避け難い結論に達する: lead someone to the inescapable conclusion that〔主語の結果〕〔人が〕 残念ながら(that以下)という結論に達した: came to the reluctant conclusion that この結論に達する: come to this conclusion 仮の結論に達する: reach a tentative conclusion 同じ結論に達する: come to the same conclusion