- We harvested 50 tomatoes last year. In contrast, we harvested only 30. This may be due to the weather...
それにひきかえ: in contrast
今年はミカンがたくさんできた: have a large tangerine crop this year
o157のせいで、去年はかいわれ大根にとっては災難だったなあ。: Because of the O157 scare, last year was a bad year for kaiware-daikon.
今年は日本のテレビ放送50周年だよ。: This year is the 50th anniversary of TV broadcasting in Japan.
ひきかえ: ひきかえ 引き換え 引換え 引換 引き替え 引替え on the contrary on the other hand
ひきかえす: ひきかえす 引き返す 引返す to repeat to send back to bring back to retrace one's steps
ひきかえて: ひきかえて 引換て on the contrary
ひきかえに: ひきかえに 引き替えに conversely
ひきかえる: ひきかえる 引き換える to exchange to convert 引き替える 引替る to exchange (things) to reverse
今年は不作だった。: We had a scanty rice crop this year.
今年は台風が多い。: We've had many typhoons this year.
今年は就職難だ。: It's very difficult to get a job this year.
今年は暖冬異変だ: We have an abnormally warm winter this year.
トマト収穫機: tomato harvester
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