- arrange to pay for ~ in installments over the next __ years
月賦で払う: 1. pay by installments 2. pay in installments
_ドルを即金で払って残りを月賦にする: pay $__ down and the rest in monthly installments
月賦で支払う: pay in monthly installments
_年かけて貯金する: save up for __ years
_年かけて~を勉強する: spend __ years to study
1年かけて~する: take a calendar year to
月賦で: 1. by hire purchase〈英〉 2. by monthly installments 3. by monthly payment 4. in installments 5. on an installment plan 6. on deferred terms 7. on easy terms
会うことにする: arrange to meet at〔~で〕
買うことにする: make up one's mind to buy〔~を〕
_年かけて素晴らしいものに発展する: evolve into being a great phenomenon __ years later
中国の向こう見ずな近代化は大きな代償を支払うことになるかもしれない: China's headlong rush to the modern world may involve a heavy price.
長年かけて: over the years
_年かけて培われた知識: knowledge accumulated [cultivated, developed] in the past __ years / __ years of accumulated [cultivated, developed] knowledge
_年かけて培われた英知: wisdom accumulated [cultivated, developed] in the past __ years / __ years of accumulated [cultivated, developed] wisdom
判断することにかけては: when it comes to judging〔~を〕