品質問題の解決: settlement of quality dispute 現場品質問題報告: Field Quality Problem Report 人質問題: hostage situation 水質問題: water quality problem 品質に問題が出る: be detrimental to quality 品質管理の問題: quality control problem 品質: 品質 ひんしつ quality 再考の必要な質問[問題]だ。: It's a question I have to think about again. 質問: 質問 しつもん question inquiry 品質管理に関して多くの問題があった: We had many problems in regard to quality control. この質問[問題]については即答しかねます。: I don't have a ready answer on this question. 受験者に~についての問題を質問する: quiz a hopeful on その問題の専門家に聞く[質問する]のが一番だ。: Who best to ask than the experts on the issue? 低品質: inferior quality 体品質: quality of carcass