世界旅行気分を楽しむ: enjoy the atmosphere of the world tour
観衆から大きな喝采が湧き起こった: A tremendous cheer rose up from the audience.
今を楽しむ: seize the day
本を楽しむ: enjoy a book
くつろいだ気分で昼食を楽しむ: enjoy a relaxing lunchtime
気分によって服を選ぶのを楽しむ: enjoy matching outfits to one's moods
気分転換にショッピングを楽しむ: enjoy shopping for a change
ハワイ旅行の残りの部分を楽しむ: enjoy the remainder of one's tour of Hawaii
唐突に 1: 1. apropos of nothing (in particular) 2. in an abrupt manner 3. out of a clear (blue) sky 4. out of the blue 5. out of the clear blue sky 6. with suddenness 唐突に 2 【副】 abruptly〔 【結び付く動詞(頻度順)】 canc
唐突に言う: 1. remark oddly 2. say abruptly 3. say suddenly 4. suddenly comment
こくを楽しむ: feel the body with one's tongue
乗馬を楽しむ: 1. enjoy riding 2. find pleasure in riding
交際を楽しむ: take pleasure in association
人生を楽しむ: 1. enjoy life 2. get enjoyment out of life 3. have fun in one's life
仕事を楽しむ: 1. enjoy a task 2. enjoy one's business 3. enjoy one's work