- trademark-infringement suit
商標権侵害訴訟を却下する: dismiss a trademark-infringement suit
商標権侵害: 1. infringement of trademark 2. trade-mark infringement 3. trademark infringement
対して商標権侵害の訴訟を起こす: file a trademark-infringement lawsuit against〔~に〕
相手取って商標権侵害の訴訟を起こす: file a trademark-infringement lawsuit against〔~を〕
特許権侵害訴訟: patent-infringement lawsuit
著作権侵害訴訟: 著作権侵害訴訟 ちょさくけんしんがいそしょう copyright infringement suit
侵害訴訟: 1. infringement procedure 2. infringement proceedings 3. infringement suit [litigation] 4. litigation of infringement
商標権侵害問題を扱う弁護士: trademark-infringement lawyers
動産侵害訴訟: trover
特許侵害訴訟: 1. patent infringement case 2. patent infringement litigation
商標権: 商標権 しょうひょうけん trademark signs
商標権者: proprietor of a trademark
対して特許侵害訴訟を起こす: file a patent infringement suit against〔~に〕
公害訴訟: 1. pollution case 2. pollution suit
薬害訴訟: 1. lawsuit on adverse drug reactions 2. lawsuit on the drug-induced sufferings