問題が小さいうちに解決する: get a handle on a problem when it's small 問題が小さいうちに何とかする: get a handle on a problem when it's small 問題が小さいうちに処理する: get a handle on a problem when it's small 問題が小さいうちに対処する: get a handle on a problem when it's small 問題が小さいうちに手を打つ: get a handle on a problem when it's small 問題が小さいうちに芽を摘む: get a handle on a problem when it's small 交通問題の解決策を取る: took measures to solve the traffic problem 早いうちに解決する: resolve ~ at an early stage〔~を〕 会社の問題に解決策を見いだす: find a solution to the firm's problems その問題の解決策を打ち出した後に(人)に連絡を取る: get in touch with someone after working out a solution to the problem 現在の日本の経済問題に解決策を与える: provide a panacea for Japan's current economic problems 子どもが小さいうちは、みんなそう思うのよ。: All parents think that when their kids are little. 非行の芽を小さいうちに摘む: nip delinquency in the bud 気が小さい: 気が小さい きがちいさい be timid 胸が小さい: 【形】 flat-chested