we will very soon be faced with another drug price crisis またすぐに別の高価な薬の問題にぶつかることになります。
every time i ran into a problem this sheikh , that tribe , this corrupt official it was always omar who solved it . 問題にぶつかる度に - この族長 その仲間 この堕落した役人 - それを解決したのは いつもオマールだった
多くの問題にぶつかる: run into many difficulties 興味深い問題にぶつかる: encounter an interesting problem 思わぬ困難な問題にぶつかる: hit a snag〔 【直訳】 切り株にぶつかる〕 アクセスのしやすさという問題にぶつかる: face problems of accessibility 壁にぶつかる: 1. blunder against the wall 2. bump against a wall 3. hit against a wall 4. knock into a wall 5. knock oneself against the wall 6. reach a plateau 7. run up against a brick wall 8. run up against a 底にぶつかる: slam into the bottom of〔~の〕 足にぶつかる: thump against one's leg〔何かを持って走ったりする時に〕 ~にぶつかる 1: 1. barge against 2. brush (up) against 3. collide with 4. come up against 5. conflict with 6. go into 7. knock one's head against [into] 8. run into 9. run one's head against 10. run up against 11. すぐに~にぶつかる: smack headlong into まともにぶつかる: 1. go smash into 2. run smash into ドアにぶつかる: bang oneself against the door 側面にぶつかる〔~の〕: 【他動】 broadside 協定にぶつかる: bump against a treaty 困難にぶつかる: 1. encounter difficulties 2. run against a stump 暗礁にぶつかる: 1. strike a rock 2. strike on a rock