- consider a problem coolly
冷静に考える 1: 1. come to oneself [one's senses] 2. think about ~ calmly 3. think calmly 冷静に考える 2 think dispassionately about〔~について〕 冷静に考える 3 1. consider ~ with a philosophical eye 2. speculate coolly upon〔~を〕
冷静に考えれば: in a moment of cool-headed, rational thought
デフレ問題を冷静に話し合うことの妨げとなる: block a coolheaded discussion of the deflation problem
冷静に考えましょう: We need to be rational.
冷静に考えを述べる: express oneself calmly
問題を考える: look at the issue of〔~の〕 ~問題を考える consider the question of
~問題を考える: consider the question of 問題を考える look at the issue of〔~の〕
冷静に答える: 1. answer coolly 2. reply calmly
冷静に耐える: bear ~ stoically〔~に〕
(that以下)であることは冷静に考えればすぐ分かる。: It's obvious to every clear thinker that
屈辱を冷静に受け止める: take indignity on the chin
自分自身を冷静に見る: take a close look at oneself
頭を冷やして。冷静になって。: Cool out.
問題をよく考える: turn a subject over
環境問題を考える: ponder the problem of the environment