one is , what is the time , on average , you're taking ひとつは問題を解くのに
but a source of insight into solvable emotional problems . 感情的な問題を解く鍵となりました
and we tackle this problem by building giant この問題を解くため 動力学的に拡大した
we would thus leverage its intelligence as much as possible そうやって価値付けの 問題を解くために
we would thus leverage its intelligence as much as possible そうやって価値付けの 問題を解くために
i just need to do some simple maths . 必要なのは 単純な数学の問題を解くこと
all that great thinking needs to really get about solving すべての偉大な思考は、まさしく鍵となる問題を解くことに
i like solving problems , commander . 問題を解くのが好きなんです 少佐
she brought students in to solve problems . 問題を解くように
of ensuring perfect safety . 最初の問題を解く方法を見つける ということです
問題を解くときに: in solving problems 問題を解く糸口: clue for solving a problem 問題を解く際に: in solving problems 数学の問題を解く: 1. figure out a math problem 2. solve a mathematical problem 3. solve math problems 算数の問題を解く: do arithmetic 簡単な問題を解く: perform simple problems 複雑な問題を解く: solve complicated problems 計算問題を解く: work out a sum 試験問題を解く: clear an exam [examination] paper その問題を解く数式: algebraic equation to solve the problem たちまち問題を解く: たちまち問題を解く v. solve a problem in an instant (見出しへ戻る headword ? たちまち) 問題を解くのに苦労する: rack one's brain working on a question 複雑な数学の問題を解く: solve complex mathematical problems 高校生向けの問題を解く: answer a question for high school students _ページの問題を解く: work through the problem on page __