善と悪を区別する: discriminate between good and bad
善悪を比較する: draw a comparison between good and evil
善と悪: 善と悪 ぜんとあく good and evil
善と悪を区別する知恵の木: tree of knowledge of good and evil
善と悪の区別: distinction between right and wrong
善と悪の闘い: struggle of good vs. evil
善と悪との区別: difference between good and evil
善と悪知恵の木: tree of knowledge of good and evil
善と悪とを見分ける: discern good and evil
善と悪の闘争を描く: portray a struggle between good and evil
2特許を比較する: compare two patents
aとbを比較する: 1. draw a comparison between 2. set A against B
情報を比較する: compare information
文書を比較する: compare documents《コ》
類似点を比較する: 【他動】 parallelize