- leave one's cell-phone [cellular phone, mobile(-phone)] behind at the coffee shop
電車の中に携帯電話を置き忘れる: leave one's cell-phone [cellular phone, mobile(-phone)] on a train
傘を置き忘れる: mislay one's umbrella
手紙を置き忘れる: mislay a letter
眼鏡を置き忘れる: misplace one's glasses
置き忘れる: 置き忘れる おきわすれる to leave behind to misplace to forget
レシートを置き忘れる: forget one's receipt
レストランに~を置き忘れる: leave ~ in a restaurant back
片手に携帯電話を持つ: have one's cell-phone [cellular phone, mobile(-phone)] in one hand
置き忘れる 1: 1. be left behind 2. leave behind 置き忘れる 2 【他動】 1. leave 2. mislay 3. misplace
携帯電話を持っていくのを忘れる: forget to take one's cell-phone [cellular phone, mobile(-phone)] with
搭乗券を置き忘れることを心配する: worry about misplacing one's boarding pass
_ドルの宝石を置き忘れる: leave behind jewelry worth __ dollars
家に置き忘れる: leave ~ at home〔~を〕
連絡を取るために携帯電話を使う: use a cell-phone [cellular phone, mobile(-phone)] to contact〔人と〕
運転中に携帯電話を使用する: use a cell-phone [cellular phone, mobile(-phone)] while driving