- 1. during deglutition
2. during swallowing
嚥下中枢: 1. deglutition center 2. swallowing center
嚥下中の痛み: pain during swallowing
高速で落下中に: during its high-speed fall
嚥下: 嚥下 えんか (act of) swallowing
下中音: 1. submediant 2. superdominant《音楽》
下中音の: submediant《音楽》 {形}
急降下中で: in steep decline
皮質下中枢: subcortical center
嚥下物: swallowed object
嚥下痛: 1. adynophagia 2. odynophagia 3. pain on swallowing 4. pain produced by swallowing 5. painful swallowing 6. swallowing pain
嚥下癖: swallowing habit
嚥下筋: muscles of swallowing
舌嚥下: tongue-swallowing
下中音のキー: submediant《音楽》
気圧降下中心: 1. center of falls 2. katallobaric center