嚥下時の痛み: pain during swallowing
背中の痛み: 背中の痛み せなかのいたみ backache
嚥下中に: 1. during deglutition 2. during swallowing
嚥下中枢: 1. deglutition center 2. swallowing center
激しい背中の痛み: bad backache
妊娠中の背中の痛み: backache during pregnancy
感じる背中の痛み 1: pain in back from〔~から〕 感じる背中の痛み 2 pain in back from〔~のおかけで〕
背中の痛みに苦しむ: suffer from backache
彼は事故の後、背中の痛みがずっと続いた: He had a persistent pain in his back after the accident.
批判は体の中の痛みと同じ働きをする。: Criticism fulfills the same function as pain in the human body.〔イギリスの政治家Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965) の名言。この後It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things. と続く。〕
のどの痛み: 1. sore on one's throat 2. sore throat
ひざの痛み: 1. ache in the [one's] knee 2. painful affection of the knee
一瞬の痛み: pain of momentary duration
体の痛み: 1. body aches 2. pain in the body
傷の痛み: pain of one's wound