嚥下中の痛み: pain during swallowing 吸気時の痛み: pain on inspiration 外転時の痛み: pain on abduction of〔~の〕 排尿時の痛み: pain when urinating 月経時の痛み: pain during menstruation 触診時の痛み: pain on palpation of〔~の〕 嚥下時に: 1. during the act of swallowing 2. in the act of swallowing 出産時の痛みを抑える: relieve someone's pain during childbirth〔人の〕 出産時の痛みを緩和する: relieve someone's pain during childbirth〔人の〕 出産時の痛みを軽くする: relieve someone's pain during childbirth〔人の〕 出産時の痛みを軽減する: relieve someone's pain during childbirth〔人の〕 垂下時の動作: action in dropping 出産時の痛みを和らげる 1: ease the pain of childbirth 出産時の痛みを和らげる 2 relieve someone's pain during childbirth〔人の〕 のどの痛み: 1. sore on one's throat 2. sore throat ひざの痛み: 1. ache in the [one's] knee 2. painful affection of the knee