- redistribute wealth among the country's poor majority
より効率的な形で成長部門への財源の再配分を行う: reallocate resources to growth sectors more efficiently
富の再配分という概念: the notion of redistributing wealth
国連加盟国の大多数の参加: participation of the majority of UN members
社会の貧困層: impoverished members of society
大多数の: 1. generality of 2. large majority of
大多数の票: landslide vote
効率的配分を行う: implement the efficient allocation of〔~の〕
均等な配分を行う: effect a uniform distribution
大多数の場合: 1. in the great majority of cases 2. in the majority of cases
大多数の意見: 1. consensus 2. majority opinion
大多数の承認: lopsided endorsement
大多数の若者: large proportion of young people
大多数の見解: consensus view
大多数の賛成: lopsided endorsement
学生の大多数: most of the students